We were called to represent a woman who had slipped and fallen outside of a mini-mart on black ice.
July 2014
With a leg broken in two places, she was unable to perform her work as a laundress because she could not stand for months after the accident. Even with the hospital's self-pay discount, her medical bills were over $10,000, and no doctor would perform the much-needed surgery on her because she had no health insurance.
Fortunately, she called us for help immediately after she had fallen! It turned out that the market had $10,000 premises medical insurance available to assist her in paying her bills, (needless to say, the insurance adjuster for the market did not inform this woman of the coverage before we were involved), and we made them pay every cent toward her medical bills. We also won a substantial settlement for her for pain and suffering, including the payment of her lost wages. In addition, we also protected her credit and won a hefty, tax-free settlement for her.
Practice area(s): Personal Injury