If you were injured by a dog attack and your own dog or cat was injured at the same time, call Worthington Law Group at 1-866-644-2389 or go to www.worthingtonlawgroup.com and read about us. Also, look at these resources for helping your pet get the care it needs without sending you into bankruptcy:
Following is a wonderful list of organizations that also help dog owners with emergency care and vet bills.
Angels 4 Animals Angels 4 Animals, a guardian angel of animals whose caretakers find themselves in difficult financial situations. Our services range from financial aid to complete treatment to those pets in need.
Care Credit A credit card company for health care, including veterinary care.
Feline Veterinary Assistance Program (FVEAP) Fax: 888-301-4264 Seniors, People with disabilities, People who have lost their job, Good Samaritans who rescue a cat or kitten – any of these folks may need financial assistance to save a beloved companion.
Help-A-Pet Phone: (630) 986-9504, Fax: (630) 986-9141 Established in 1999, HELP-A-PET is a nonprofit organization with a single purpose: to provide financial assistance nationwide for the medical care of pets whose owners are unable to afford the expense.
In Memory of Magic (IMOM), Inc Phone (866) 230-2164, Fax (301) 599-1852 Helping people help pets. To better the lives of sick, injured and abused companion animals. We are dedicated to insure that no companion animal has to be euthanized simply because their caretaker is financially challenged.
The Pet Fund The Pet Fund is a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit association that provides financial assistance to owners of domestic animals who need urgent veterinary care. The purpose of the Pet Fund is to work towards a future where decisions about companion animal medical care need never be made on the basis of cost.
Piggers' Pals A nonprofit organization designed to assist families in need seek specialty level care for their pets. The foundation will accept applications from individuals or families that require financial assistance to provide advanced medical and/or surgical veterinary care that will extend both quantity and quality of life for their pets that would otherwise not be available to them.
Shakespeare Animal Fund Shakespeare Animal Fund was founded after the loss of a beloved Cocker Spaniel “Shakespeare”. He died after a very costly illness, and in his memory this fund was founded to help others who might face financial problems while trying to save their pet.
United Animal Nations Phone: (916) 429-2457, Fax: (916) 429-2456 The mission of LifeLine Rescue and LifeLine Individual Grants is to help homeless or recently rescued animals suffering from life-threatening conditions that require specific and immediate emergency veterinary care. We strive to serve Good Samaritans who take in sick or injured animals.
*ASSISTANCE DOGS* Int'l Assoc of Assistance Dog Partners VCP Program IAADP has established an emergency veterinary fund to provide financial aid to United States IAADP Partner Members whose assistance dogs require high cost veterinary intervention beyond their ability to pay. Ortho Dogs Silver Lining for service dogs with orthopedic issues.
If you have a specific breed of dog, contact the national club for that breed. In some cases, these clubs offer a veterinary financial assistance fund. Here are a few websites for groups that provide financial assistance for specific breeds:
Bernese Mountain Dog
Boxer through Toby's Gift
Boxer American Boxer Rescue Assoc
Dachshund Disabled Dachshund Society
Doberman (special needs)
Golden Retrievers (rescued dogs)
Great Pyrenees
Labrador Retriever – LabMed
Labrador Retriever – Labrador LifeLine
Pit Bull/Staffordshire Terrier
Scotties and Westies
Westies/West Highland White Terrier
*DISEASE-SPECIFIC* Blindness: Blind Dog Info
Cancer: Canine Cancer Awareness Cody's Club Help Your Dog Fight Cancer The Magic Bullet Fund
Diabetes: Muffin Diabetic Pets Association
Handicapped Pets: Handicapped Pets.com Help Fund From time to time, HandicappedPets.com recognizes a caretaker of handicapped pets that need some special attention, and a little extra help. There are those who are so selflessly dedicated to their animal families that they give up a little more than they can afford. This special fund is used to provide support to those people.
*STATE AND COUNTRY ORGANIZATIONS* Arizona The Southern Arizona Veterinary Medical Association may be able to help with vet bills. Call 325-0311 to request an application or to get more information.
California Labrador Harbor is committed to providing assistance to Labrador Retrievers of all ages, in permanent homes or within a California based non-profit rescue organization. Actors and Others for Animals assists with emergency medical treatment and crisis aid (Hollywood, CA)
Georgia Pets are Loving Support assists people with HIV/AIDS to care for their companion animals (Atlanta, GA) Save-A-Life, Inc. provides assistance with emergency medical care of rescued and fostered animals (Savannah, GA)
Massachusetts The Travis Fund at Tufts School of Veterinary Medicine for pets being treated at their facility.
New Jersey God's Creatures Ministry (Wayne, NJ)
New York NY S.A.V.E, Inc. is a non-profit organization dedicated to the aid and assistance of low-income pet owners residing in one of the five boroughs of New York City, whose pet is in need of emergency veterinary care.
Ohio Good Sam Fund The MedVet Good SAM (Special Assistance and Memorial Fund) was established to create financial aid for sick or injured animals who either are stray or client-owned animals in special circumstances. (Worthington, OH)
Pennsylvania Animal Care and Welfare (Pittsburgh, PA)
Texas Canyon Lake Animal Shelter C.L.A.S.S. Program for low income residents (Startzville, TX)
Washington DC PETS-DC is dedicated to improving the health and well being of people living with HIV/AIDS or other disabling conditions and their companion pets at no cost to individuals in the Metropolitan Washington area.
Canada Animal Cancer Therapy Subsidization Society (Alberta) The Farley Foundation (Ontario)
United Kingdom UK Assistance with Veterinary Bills
For more information on dog attacks visit worthingtonlawgroup.com.
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