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Fending Off A Dog Attack

Posted by Sandra Worthington | Jul 30, 2024

As a dog bite lawyer I am quite cognizant of the unpredictability of animal behavior.  So when we decided to take our certified therapy dog on vacation to Maine, I wanted to be prepared just in case.  There is a product called "Halt" which is a small spray bottle you carry with you and can be sprayed into the face of an attacking dog to deter it without harming it.  I was not expecting to have to use it, but someone in our complex of cabins decided his dog deserved to violate the leash laws in Maine.  These people leave their cabin door wide open and let this fox-like dog wander at will throughout the complex.  This sounds lovely for the dog but unfortunately, he decided he did not like my docile therapy dog.  I could feel this smaller dog's animosity and could tell he wanted to be the Alpha.  I walked off the property so my dog could do his business earlier today and this smaller dog followed us and then lay down to block the walkway such that I would not be able to walk our dog past him.  I froze trying to determine whether I could walk past without getting attacked but was pretty sure he was going to attack.  I put the Halt in my hand, ready to spray if necessary.  I got past the nasty little dog but suddenly heard his wee feet charging at me from behind on the gravel.  I turned around and tried to nail him with the spray, missing the first time but got him in the nose on the second try.  He did not make a noise, but turned on a dime and ran the other way.  I am so grateful I brought this spray with me.  I highly recommend dog owners buy this spray which I purchased from Chewy.  I am 100% sure my dog was going to be attacked and I was going to get hurt trying to protect him.  This saved us from that terrible experience for which I am very relieved. 

If you or a loved one has been attacked by a dog, get  the owner's information and call me for a free, no-strings-attached heart to heart talk about your legal options.  Everything we discuss is completely confidential and there is no charge so there is no downside.

Call Sandra Worthington at 215-576-5150.

About the Author

Sandra Worthington

I am all about YOU. You have been in an accident, and you need a lawyer who understands you and your injuries. Many of my clients are active folks of all ages who are or were involved in walking, running, biking, skateboarding, surfing, yoga, weight-lifting, racquet sports, and countless other a...


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