We have seen an unusual uptick in car accident cases resulting from road rage incidents. Granted, we are in a time of tremendous stress and fear and it is clearly coming out in some folks' driving habits. This is a time to be particularly careful on the roads. Give everyone their space and do not react to a road rage attack (unless it is in self defense). If someone else's road rage results in you being in an accident, try to stay locked in your car while you take a quick photo of the license plate and driver of the other vehicle unless you feel that doing so will cause violence or danger to you. Call the police immediately. Make a mental note of the license number, model and color of the car that caused the accident. Write down the license plate number as soon as you can because you may forget it by the time the police arrive. Often, the road rager will depart the scene and try to get away. At least by getting the license plate and some photos you have a chance to catch the perpetrator and make him pay for any damage to your vehicle.